Meaning of Colors In Dreams — Moods In Colors

Positive Emotions
Negative Emotions

Think About How the Color Used in the Dream Effects Mood

Consider these questions to figure out if the colors in dreams are positive or negative:

1. How did you feel about the color? If it makes you feel uneasy, it might have a negative meaning.
2. Was the object with that color potentially harmful? If yes, the color likely has a negative meaning.
3. Did the color make you feel happy or calm? If so, it could be a positive presence.
4. Did you like the color? If so, it probably had a positive meaning.
5. Did the color seem dull or dirty? If yes, its meaning might be negative.
6. Did the color appear bright and clear, without any darkness or dullness? If yes, it means in a positive way.

Colors in dreams are used to express feelings and moods, which helps us understand them better. Bright colors mean different things than dark ones. Our inner feelings connect us to our emotions and what we feel right now.

It’s surprising that most dreams have some color, even if we don’t remember it when we wake up. People used to think dreams were only black and white until the 1950s. But now we know that’s not true. When scientists wake people up during a special kind of sleep called REM, they often talk about colors in their dreams. If they’re asked about colors, many people remember them.

Here are some numbers: In labs, when people are woken up during a certain type of deep sleep called REM, they talk about seeing colors in their dreams without being asked in up to 46% of cases. But if they’re specifically asked about colors, the number of people remembering colors jumps up to about 80% to 97.3%. (Schredl, 2008).

Understanding the psychology of colors in dreams is important. Colors in dreams are connected to our feelings and affect moods in real life. They help us understand what’s going on in our dreams.

Science and Colors in Dreams

David E. Taylor wrote a book called “Interpreting Colors You See in Your Dreams.” This book talks about how colors in our dreams are connected to the colors we see in real life.

When we dream, we don’t always see colors like we do when we’re awake. Instead, we remember them. Usually, we remember colors based on how we feel about the emotions in our dreams.

Colors not only affect how our bodies feel but also influence our thoughts and moods. Sometimes, the feelings we have about colors in our bodies are not the same as the feelings we have in our minds.

For example, seeing specific colors in our dreams can make us feel different emotions. These emotions might agree with each other, or they might be different. Remembering colors plays a big role in interpreting dreams. They help paint an emotional picture. So, focusing on the colors in dreams can help us grasp the dream’s meaning more clearly.

Dreams Reflect Moods In Colors

Colors are different for everyone, and they mean different things to each person. So, when you have a dream with a color in it, think about what that color means to you personally. Does it remind you of someone or something from your past, like a toy or a place you used to go?

For example, seeing the color yellow might remind you of the sun shining on a summer day, but for someone else, it might remind them of the fields of flowers they used to play in. In dreams, colors show moods through emotions by expressing how we feel inside.

Mood in Colors


When you dream in black, it can mean different things. Black symbolizes the unknown, danger, and mystery. It might also represent feelings of darkness, death, or rejection. But black can also signify potential and possibilities, like starting fresh.

Dreaming in black might suggest that you need to think more carefully about your decisions. Maybe you’re being too stubborn and need to consider other people’s opinions. On the other hand, dreaming in black could be a sign that you’re feeling sad or depressed. You might feel like your life lacks excitement.

Emotions Attached: Tense, Nervous, Harrassed and Overworked.


Gray suggests various emotions such as fear, sadness, depression, ill health, doubt, and confusion. It may make you feel distant or separated from others. However, it can also show that you’re independent and unique.

Emotions Attached: Nervous, Anxious, and Strained.


The color amber can mean good or bad things. If your dream is nice, amber represents cleverness, liveliness, quickness, joy, peace, and wisdom. But if your dream is negative, it can mean lying, disgrace, betrayal, fear, and sickness. You might be scared or unsure about making choices or doing things. You’re trying hard to make others happy, but it’s hurting you. This is causing a lot of problems for you.

Emotions Attached: Nervous, Mixed Emotions, Unsettled and Cool.


Green in dreams can mean a lot of things, both good and not-so-good. A positive dream, shows positive changes, being healthy, growing, or feeling hopeful and peaceful. Seeing green might also mean it’s okay to move forward. Or, it could mean you’re not very experienced and need more practice.

Emotions Attached: Average Reading, Active, Not Under Stress.

Blue Green

The mixture of blue and green shows trust, loyalty, and healing. It also suggests spiritual help and support.

Emotions Attached: Inner Emotions Charged, Relaxed.


Blue means truth, wisdom, foreverness, dedication, peace, faithfulness, and being open. Maybe you want an escape. Seeing blue in your dream might mean you feel guided spiritually and hopeful about what’s to come. Your mind is clear.

Having blue in your dream can mean you’re creative. You prefer to take your time with things.

Emotions Attached: Relaxed, At Ease, Calm and Lovable.


Violet shows deep spirituality, purification, love, being gentle, charming, and calm. You have a good sense of knowing things without being told and feeling close to someone special.

Emotions Attached: Relaxed, Calm, Very Happy, Love, Passion, and Romance.

My Mood in Colors in Dreams

Closing Thought

Colors present in dreams can represent both positive and negative omens. To understand their meaning, one must rely on the emotions evoked by the dream and one’s personal connections to these colors.

Your perception of colors while awake significantly influences your interpretation of them within your dreams.

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